Wanted: Art Supplies for the Art Docent Program!
We are requesting donations for art supplies to support our growing art program at Kenmore Elementary.
What we need:
- Paper plates
- Tinfoil
- Old magazines and newspapers
- Tissue paper and old wrapping paper
- Sponges
- Craft materials with different textures (pipe cleaners, colorful wire, pom poms, etc)
- All types of paper (water color, construction, tag board, foam board, etc)
- Unique paint/marker colors (metallic, fluorescent, etc.)
- Any other art supply you would like to donate!
How to Donate:
Simply bring your art supply items to school and drop them off inside the office. The school office will be accepting donations during the month of November and will have a collection box available behind the front desk. If you are unable to come to school during regular school hours and would like to donate art supplies, please reach out to our art docent co-chairs Sara or Gloriann to coordinate a donation time.
Interested in volunteering as an Art Docent?
We are still seeking volunteers for the following classrooms:
- Kindergarten – Broomer and Olson
- Second grade – Hanika
- Fourth grade – Burrows
- Fifth grade – Karvonen, Finkelstein, and White
If you would like to volunteer, please reach out to Sara at sara.farhat@gmail.com or Gloriann at harrigan333@gmail.com .Thank you!