KEPTA Year in Review

As restrictions were lifted, KEPTA was eager to get back to supporting our KE community by hosting events and activities. Some highlights from this year include:

In October, we had a Kenmore Cubs Scavenger Hunt that took kids around the city of Kenmore.

In February, we held our Turn Off Screens Week. Each day that they chose to not do screen time, the kids could turn in a paper apple for the chance to win a prize. Over four days, we had 618 apples turned in and gave out prizes to 64 kids.

In March, we held a successful auction at Inglewood Golf Club, raising over $40,000 and, to the great delight of the students, we brought back our monthly Popcorn Thursdays, where we pop popcorn for every student at recess.

In April, we held our STEAM Fair and had over 100 student presentation submissions as well as class submissions. We also held an all-school play date that brought an incredible number of families to the school to meet and socialize.

In May, we had our Family Culture night, which drew a large crowd of Kenmore families to share in celebrating our cultures. It included performances, classes, and presentation boards. It was also well attended by our Northshore community, including the superintendent, former principal Melissa Riley, and numerous school Board members and Northshore district officials. We also brought back our African Drumming week, taught by Sowah Mensah.

In June, we had our Summer Book event, where we gave out around 4,000 books to students to read over the summer and use in classrooms.
And throughout the year, we created the yearbook, sold spirit wear, had an active Racial and Education Justice team that brought about 115 diverse books to our library, and maintained a Free Pantry and Little Library for our community. Our Social Services team created Thanksgiving Baskets and Holiday Wishes presents for families in our school. And our Staff Appreciation chair kept the teachers pampered with meals, door decorations, mailbox presents, and more.

Thank you to everyone that helped make these events and activities possible! We were able to spend over $80,000 supporting our community. We look forward to what next year brings!